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Learn DIY Skills to Save Money

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Do it yourself or DIY in short form, has become part of our lifestyle. Over time we have identified that there are so many things, we can do on our own without having to pay for professionals. By can learn ...

Do it yourself or DIY in short form, has become part of our lifestyle. Over time we have identified that there are so many things, we can do on our own without having to pay for professionals. By can learn various skills online, we could manage to save lots of money, gain a sense of accomplishment, and have fun along the way. Here are some valuable DIY skills we should consider learning if we are looking to save money and enhance our life.

DIY encapsulates a wide range of activities, from home repairs and renovations to crafting and gardening. The primary goal is often to save money, but DIY enthusiasts also appreciate the opportunity to learn new skills and derive satisfaction from their accomplishments.

learn diy save money

We already know how hard and challenging is to save money at this time, especially when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. If you are struggling to grow your savings, consider embracing DIY to minimise your expenses on tasks that you can easily do yourself.

Here are some essential DIY skills worth learning:

Basic Home Repairs: When a leaky faucet, squeaky door, or chipped paint needs fixing, resist the urge to call a handyman. Instead, grab your toolbox and tackle the issue yourself. This approach can save you hundreds of dollars throughout the year. Look for detailed DIY tutorials on YouTube, or consult the salesperson at your local home store for expert advice. Borrow or rent the tools you need to save even more money.

Cooking at Home: As you have probably heard, cooking your meals at home is a surefire way to save money compared to dining out or ordering takeout. If you are a kitchen novice, try a meal preparation service like Hello Fresh or Blue Apron to get started. While it is more expensive than buying groceries, it is still cheaper than eating out. Once you have gained confidence in the kitchen, you can ditch the meal service and start choosing ingredients and recipes independently.

Salon Services: While cutting your hair may not be a good DIY project, other salon services like manicures, pedicures, and even hair coloring can be mastered at home. Purchase high-quality tools and products from a beauty supply store and dedicate an hour or two each week to pampering yourself. Save salon visits for special occasions – you’ll enjoy them even more when they’re not a regular expense.

Basic Alterations: If your wardrobe consists of clothes that don’t fit quite right or have minor imperfections, you’re wasting money and creating an urge to shop for new items. Learn basic sewing skills like shortening hems, replacing buttons, or mending small tears and holes. Not only will you save on alteration fees, but you’ll also avoid spending money on duplicate items.

Negotiating Lower Prices: While you may have negotiated prices for cars or houses, you can also haggle for lower prices on everyday items. It may feel intimidating at first, but honing your negotiation skills can lead to savings on everything from rent to appliances. Remember, the worst they can say is “no.” You’ll generally have better luck by asking to speak with a decision-maker and being polite in your request.

Electrical Repairs: Attempting electrical repairs without proper knowledge and experience can be dangerous and may lead to more costly issues down the road. In most cases, it’s best to leave electrical work to professionals.

Roof Repairs: Roof repairs can be dangerous, especially if you don’t have the right equipment or experience. Hiring a professional is often the safer and more cost-effective choice.

Major Home Renovations: While it might be tempting to take on a significant home renovation project, these tasks often require specialized skills and can result in costly mistakes if not executed correctly. Save yourself the headache and hire professionals for large-scale projects.

Car Repairs: While basic car maintenance, like oil changes and tire rotations, can be done yourself, more advanced repairs should be left to professionals. Attempting to fix complicated car issues without proper knowledge can lead to further damage and increased costs.

Simple Plumbing Repairs and Upgrades: Before tackling any plumbing repairs and upgrades, it’s essential to do your research. If you’re dealing with any flooding, call for expert assistance. Having said that, let us examine four plumbing tasks you can likely handle yourself to save big. Keep in mind that the average cost of hiring a professional plumber is $75 per hour.

Toilet repairs: There’s minimal risk of damage when opening up the top of your toilet to make repairs yourself, making this a safe area to save on calling a plumber. Learn about the toilet’s flapper and how to identify when it’s causing an issue.

Faucet repairs: If your sink is dripping, you can probably fix the problem yourself by unscrewing it and replacing the cartridge. Watch a couple of videos, buy the necessary parts, and dive in.

Replacing a kitchen sink trap: Check beneath your sink. If the looping pipe below the sink is corroded and leaky, you need to replace it. However, you don’t need to call a plumber for this task. Unscrewing the old trap and replacing it with a new one from the hardware store is a straightforward process. In roughly 30 minutes, you can resolve this issue independently.

A heating system and Insulation: If the outside of your hot water heater is hot to the touch, you could save a considerable amount on your energy bills. Insulating your hot water heater yourself is an easy task, and you’ll save money by not hiring a professional and through improved insulation.

Reducing Heating Expenses: Lower the thermostat during winter, setting it to 64°F at night and 68°F during the day. Wear a sweater or add an extra blanket to your bed if you feel cold. You’ll be surprised at how much you save by doing this instead of setting it to 72°F.

Brewing Your Own Coffee: Skip the daily Starbucks visits. Brew your coffee at home, put it in a thermos, and take it to work with you.

Not all DIY activities will suit everyone, but if you find one that applies to your situation and interests, you’ll likely see a significant return on your time and effort investment. We hope the variety is broad enough for most readers to find at least one skill that piques their interest! Let’s take a look.

learn diy skills to save money

There are numerous other ways DIY can save you money:

Reducing Labor Costs: By tackling projects yourself, you eliminate the need to hire professionals.
Reusing and Repurposing Materials: Instead of buying new materials, find ways to repurpose items you already have.
Avoiding Expensive Mistakes: DIY projects give you more control over the outcome, minimizing costly errors that can occur when hiring professionals.

Creating a Budget: DIY projects allow you to create and stick to a budget since you can see where your money is going and make adjustments as needed.

Investment in Quality DIY Tools: Major DIY task and work efficiency depend on tools. Without appropriate tools, tasks can not be completed. High-quality tools for DIY projects can save money in the long run, as they will last longer and be more efficient than cheaper alternatives.

Reducing Energy Costs: Many DIY projects, such as weatherproofing and insulation, can help reduce energy costs over time.
DIY Maintenance: Regular maintenance of appliances and systems in your home can save money on expensive repairs down the road.
Shopping for Deals: When buying materials for DIY projects, you can shop around for the best deals and discounts, saving money in the process.
Avoiding Unnecessary Upgrades: DIY projects allow you to assess the true needs of your project, avoiding unnecessary expenses.
Making Your Own Cleaning Supplies: Creating your own cleaning supplies using basic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice is much cheaper than purchasing commercial cleaning products.
Make Own Beauty and Personal Care Products: Beauty and personal care products, such as shampoo, soap, and lotion, can be made without harsh chemicals and at a fraction of the cost at home, try to learn how to make them at home, there are so many tutorials online and on youtube.
Making Your Own Furniture: Building furniture using reclaimed materials can be much cheaper than buying new pieces.
Creating Your Own Garden: Instead of hiring a professional landscaper, you can design your own garden and save on labour costs.
Shopping Second-hand: Purchasing items for DIY projects from second-hand sources can save a significant amount of money compared to buying new.
Learning How to Repair: Acquiring repair skills for items like clothing, appliances, and furniture can save money on replacements.
Sewing Skills: By learning to sew, you can create your own clothes, curtains, and other household items, saving a considerable amount of money.
Cooking from Scratch: Preparing meals from scratch can save money by avoiding the high cost of processed and pre-packaged foods.
Making Your Own Gifts: Crafting your own gifts for birthdays, holidays, and other special occasions can lead to significant savings.
Car Maintenance: Learning basic car maintenance, such as oil changes and tire rotations, can save money on labour costs.
DIY Home Security: Installing your own home security system can save on installation and monthly monitoring fees.

More DIY tips to save money

  • Use only LED bulbs in your light fixtures.
  • Buy in bulk and store essentials like toilet paper.
  • Hang your laundry outside to dry if you have a yard.
  • Shop at thrift stores for furniture instead of buying new.
  • Use rechargeable batteries instead of regular alkaline ones.
  • Opt for discount grocery stores like Aldi over Whole Foods.
  • Wash your clothes with cold water.
  • Avoid using the water heating mode on your dishwasher and let the dishes air dry.
  • Shower every two to three days instead of daily.
  • Run your dishwasher at night during the summer and avoid using it during the day.

In conclusion, adopting a DIY lifestyle can help you to save money, learn new skills, and feel a sense of personal accomplishment. By mastering basic home repairs, cooking at home, performing salon services, making alterations, and negotiating lower prices, you’ll see your savings grow substantially. Moreover, additional DIY skills and projects can further enhance your life and boost your financial well-being. So, start your DIY journey today and unlock the potential of a more self-sufficient and budget-friendly lifestyle.

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